
Welcome to the Ocelot 23.4 documentation!

It is recommended to read all 📢 Release Notes if you have deployed the Ocelot app in a production environment and are planning to upgrade to major or patched versions.

The major version 23.4.0 includes several patches, the history of which is provided below.


  • 23.4.1, on Nov 22, 2024: Routing patch.

  • 23.4.2, on Nov 27, 2024: End of .NET 6/7 Support patch.

📢 Release Notes

Release Tag: 23.4.0
Release Codename: McDonald’s

With release jokes:

ℹ️ About

This minor release significantly upgrades the Routing feature by supporting Embedded Placeholders 1 within path segments (between slashes). Additionally, the team has focused on enhancing the performance of Regex objects.

🆕 What’s New?

  • Routing: Introducing the new “Embedded Placeholders 1” feature by @ggnaegi.

    As of November 2024, Ocelot was unable to process multiple Placeholders embedded between two forward slashes (/). It was also challenging to differentiate the placeholder from other elements within the slashes. For example, /{url}-2/ for /y-2/ would yield {url} = y-2. We are excited to introduce an enhanced method for evaluating placeholders that allows for the resolution of Placeholders within complex URLs.
    For additional information, refer to PR 2200.

🆙 Feature Updates

📘 Documentation Summary

🧑‍💻 Contributing

Pull requests, issues, and commentary are welcome at the Ocelot GitHub repository.

For ideas and questions, please post them in the Ocelot Discussions space.

Our Development Process is a part of successful Release Process. If you are a new contributor, it is crucial to read Development Process attentively to grasp our methods for efficient and swift feature delivery. We, as a team, advocate adhering to Best Practices throughout the development phase.

We extend our best wishes for your successful contributions to the Ocelot product!