Tracing ======= This page details how to perform distributed tracing with Ocelot. .. |opentracing-csharp Logo| image:: :alt: opentracing-csharp Logo :width: 30 |opentracing-csharp Logo| OpenTracing ------------------------------------- Ocelot providers tracing functionality from the excellent `OpenTracing API for .NET `_ project. The code for the Ocelot integration can be found in `Ocelot.Tracing.OpenTracing `_ project. The example below uses `C# Client for Jaeger `_ client to provide the tracer used in Ocelot. In order to add `OpenTracing `_ services we must call the ``AddOpenTracing()`` extension of the ``OcelotBuilder`` being returned by ``AddOcelot()`` [#f1]_ like below: .. code-block:: csharp services.AddSingleton(sp => { var loggerFactory = sp.GetService(); Configuration config = new Configuration(context.HostingEnvironment.ApplicationName, loggerFactory); var tracer = config.GetTracer(); GlobalTracer.Register(tracer); return tracer; }); services .AddOcelot() .AddOpenTracing(); Then in your **ocelot.json** add the following to the Route you want to trace: .. code-block:: json "HttpHandlerOptions": { "UseTracing": true } Ocelot will now send tracing information to `Jaeger `_ when this Route is called. OpenTracing Status ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The `OpenTracing `_ project was archived on January 31, 2022 (see `the article `_). The Ocelot team will decide on a migration to `OpenTelemetry `_ which is highly desired. Butterfly --------- Ocelot providers tracing functionality from the excellent `Butterfly `_ project. The code for the Ocelot integration can be found in `Ocelot.Tracing.Butterfly `_ project. In order to use the tracing please read the `Butterfly `_ documentation. In Ocelot you need to add the `NuGet package `_ if you wish to trace a Route: .. code-block:: powershell Install-Package Ocelot.Tracing.Butterfly In your ``ConfigureServices`` method to add Butterfly services: we must call the ``AddButterfly()`` extension of the ``OcelotBuilder`` being returned by ``AddOcelot()`` [#f1]_ like below: .. code-block:: csharp services .AddOcelot() // This comes from Ocelot.Tracing.Butterfly package .AddButterfly(option => { // This is the URL that the Butterfly collector server is running on... option.CollectorUrl = "http://localhost:9618"; option.Service = "Ocelot"; }); Then in your **ocelot.json** add the following to the Route you want to trace: .. code-block:: json "HttpHandlerOptions": { "UseTracing": true } Ocelot will now send tracing information to Butterfly when this Route is called. """" .. [#f1] :ref:`di-the-addocelot-method` adds default ASP.NET services to DI container. You could call another extended :ref:`di-addocelotusingbuilder-method` while configuring services to develop your own :ref:`di-custom-builder`. See more instructions in the ":ref:`di-addocelotusingbuilder-method`" section of :doc:`../features/dependencyinjection` feature.