.. |GraphQL Logo| image:: https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/13958777 :alt: GraphQL Logo :width: 40 |GraphQL Logo| GraphQL ====================== Ocelot doesn't directly support `GraphQL `_, but so many people have asked about it. We wanted to show how easy it is to integrate the `GraphQL for .NET `_ library. Please see the sample project `OcelotGraphQL `_. Using a combination of the `graphql-dotnet `_ project and Ocelot :doc:`../features/delegatinghandlers` features, this is pretty easy to do. However we do not intend to integrate more closely with **GraphQL** at the moment. Check out the samples `README.md `_ and that should give you enough instruction on how to do this! Future ------ If you have sufficient experience with GraphQL and mentioned .NET `package `_, we would welcome your contribution to the sample. |octocat| .. |octocat| image:: https://github.githubassets.com/images/icons/emoji/octocat.png :alt: octocat :width: 23 Who knows, maybe you'll get inspired by the sample development and come up with some design solution in the form of a rough draft of GraphQL feature to implement in Ocelot. Good luck! And, welcome to `Discussions `_ space of the repository!