Welcome to Ocelot 23.2

Thanks for taking a look at the Ocelot documentation! Please use the left hand navigation to get around. The team would suggest taking a look at the Introduction chapter first.

All Features are arranged in alphabetical order. The main features are Configuration and Routing.

We do follow development process which is described in Release Process.

Release Notes

Release Tag: 23.2.0
Release Codename: Lunar Eclipse

What’s new?

Focus On

Updates of the features

Ocelot extra packages

Polly 8.0+ versions introduced the concept of resilience pipelines.
All AddPolly extensions have been automatically migrated from v7 to v8.
Please note that older v7 extensions are marked with the [Obsolete] attribute and renamed using the V7 suffix. And the old v7 implementation has been moved to the v7 namespace.
See more details in Polly v7 vs v8 section of Quality of Service chapter.

Stabilization aka bug fixing

Updated Documentation